Imagine Inquiry Sys is a multi-functional platform with built-in educational tools. It caters to the specific needs of students and teachers across the globe in the unique and evolving educational environment. We use the most recent and well-liked technology of the current period to rethink learning management and academic administration.

User Portals

Users are given a specific portal that allows them to access only those modules most relevant to them.

User Profiles

Allows users to have an identity in the network and share their accomplishments


Capability to allow the administration to send, and students and teachers to receive notices.


Automatic notification of all calendar events for a year throughout a school-wide network.


Ability to format and edit reports based on individual preference.


Individual user profiles with post-making capabilities help develop the article-writing skills of students.


Students are automatically assigned classroom and extracurricular groups where they can engage in active discussion with classmates and others who share their interests.


Learning Management System

Imagine Sys was created to encourage technology-enabled learning by providing the most effective educational tools in an easy and user-friendly way. Based on an earlier system, it combines the best practices followed by international educators and ICT user experience. It helps students find information and carry out learning from their mobile devices from online classes, assignments to result, and more.

Core Features

App for students and parents to trek ourselves to bright tommorow and build a better future.

ImagineSys was created to encourage technology-enabled learning by providing the most effective educational tools in an easy and user-friendly way. Based on an earlier system, it combines the best practices followed by international educator and ICT user experience. It helps students find information and carry out learning from their mobile devices from online classes, assignments to result and many more.

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Teacher Portals

Teacher portals provide teachers with numerous tools to manage and monitor all classrooms and courses they are responsible for. Teaching tools like course planning, MCQ, and flashcards help teachers create engaging content to encourage students to learn more. CDC materials are also made available for effective planning and implementation.

Administration Portals

Administrators can control and supervise various management-related functions such as leave management, platforms to create and publish admission and recruitment forms, accounting applications, and sending notices. Administrators can also keep track of teachers and classrooms to monitor their progress

Parent Portals

Parent portals are dedicated to informing parents about their child's performance and progress. This allows parents to be actively involved with their child's education. Additionally, information related to absences and notices can also be received.

Student Portals

Students are given a platform that allows them to keep track of their assignments, classes, and examination dates. They can also access features such as educational games and quizzes for practice. The Elibrary is also made available to them to access educational material.

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